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Teen Israel Experience

The Oregon Board of Rabbis and the Jewish Federation of Portland have restructured the Teen Israel Scholarship Program! See full details here.

If your teen plans to participate in a High School Program in Israel between June 2024 – April 2025, you need to complete this Online Application between Sept. 2, 2023 and March 1, 2024.

This one online application* can provide up to $4000 in scholarship funds from a combination of these sources:
*additional requirements for sources #2 and #3

  1. Portland Jewish Federation’s CHAI Israel Fund” provides up to 18% of eligible Israel Program costs (not to exceed $1800)
  2. The Oregon Board of Rabbis “Teen Israel Fund” will provide additional funds (from the A.P. Krichevsky Memorial Scholarship & OJCF) (approx. $1800).
  3. Teens who regularly attend a weekly synagogue youth group qualify for an extra $500 (funded 50/50 between the Jewish Federation and the teen’s synagogue), in celebration of their commitment to formal Jewish education.

As stated above, Scholarship Funds from #2 and #3 require that students meet additional qualifications:

  1. 9th Grade: Submit the Letter of Agreement to the Oregon Board of Rabbis through your Synagogue Youth Education Director or Rabbi.
  2. During grades 9, 10 and 11: Maintain a Community Service Log to demonstrate scholarship merit. We ask teens to average 30 hours of community service per year, attendance at the synagogue  high school program 80% of the time (or 50% at a reduced award), and attending synagogue services an average of 20 times per year.
  3. In February of the Scholarship award year: submit your community service logs to your Youth Education Director or Rabbi. By March 1, s/he will endorse your scholarship application, at the same time you submit the Online Application.

Remember, you can also seek additional funding from Jewish Free-Loan of Greater Portland.