Reading Judaic material is an important part of the Introduction to Judaism Class and will enhance your learning as you proceed through the eighteen week course
The JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
We suggest that you read the Chumash (Hebrew/English Bible with commentaries) on a weekly basis, corresponding to the Shabbat Torah readings in synagogues. Find the weekly Torah reading here. By looking in your Bible, under “CONTENTS,” you will find the listings of the readings from the Five Books of Moses (Torah), giving the Hebrew, Greek and transliterated Hebrew name of each book and the names of the readings contained there.
To Life! A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking by Harold Kushner (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
This is a good book with which to begin your study. It gives a helpful overview of Jewish observance and philosophy.
Jewish Holidays: A Guide and Commentary by Michael Strassfield (Amazon)
Here is an excellent description of Jewish Holidays, how and why we celebrate both as communities and in family homes.
Jewish Literacy: The Most Important things to Know about the Jewish Religion, its People, and its History by Joseph Telushkin (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
The Book of Jewish Values: A Day by Day Guide to Ethical Living by Joseph Telushkin (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
Jewish Wisdom: Ethical, Spiritual, and Historical Lessons from the Great Works and Thinkers by Joseph Telushkin (Amazon)
For those considering conversion:
- Your People, My People: Finding Acceptance and Fulfillment As a Jew by Choice by Lena Romanoff (Amazon)
- Choosing Judaism by Lidia Kukoff (Amazon)
- Welcome to the Family! Opening Doors to the Jewish Experience by Lois Shenker (Amazon)
The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
To Pray as a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book and the Synagogue Service by Hayim Donin (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
This is My God by Herman Wouk (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
Choosing a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library – eBook)
Guide for the Perplexed by Moses Maimonides (Amazon)
The Jewish Book of Why by Alfred J. Kolach (Amazon)Â (Mult. Co. Library – audiobook)
Judaism’s 10 Best Ideas: A Brief Guide for Seekers by Arthur Green (Amazon)
The Book of Jewish Practice by Louis Jacobs (Amazon)
Night by Eli Weisel (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
As a Driven Leaf by Milton Steinberg (Amazon)
The How-To Handbook for Jewish Living by Kerry M. Olitzky (Amazon) (Mult. Co. Library)
Understanding the Hebrew Bible by Elliot Rabin (Amazon)
The Routledge Atlas of Jewish History by Martin Gilbert (Amazon)
You can also look for these books at synagogue libraries, Powells City of Books, and